Located at the St.Annes school, 183 Snow Ave.
Offers care for children aged 18 months to 12 years with low staff ratio child to teacher.
The centre provides outdoor playground time, and new, accessible and barrier free, renovated facilities.
Site Photos
May Court-Tecumseh
Located at the Tecumseh Public School - 275 McNaughton Ave. W Chatham.
This location offers childcare for children aged 3 months to 12 years.
The centre provides a cozy atmosphere with light filled classrooms and a mature, tree covered playground.
Site Photos
WJ Baird
Located at the WJ Baird elementary school on 182 King St.
It offers child care for children aged 3 months to 12 years.
The child care services are complimented by Hub partners- the Ontario Early Years, The Chatham Kent Health Unit and the Children’s Treatment Centre.
The centre provides newly renovated, accessible and barrier free facilities, with outdoor playground equipment.
Site Photos
Harwich Raleigh
Located at the Harwich Raleigh Public School, 231 Chatham St. S.
Offers care for children aged 4 to 12 years in an elementary school environment.
The centre provides opportunities to access; indoor swimming, local library and arena.
This centre has access to the schools’ gymnasium and extensive outdoor grounds.